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The Carbon color package helps teams build engaging digital experiences through consistent application of color.

If you’re using

, you probably don’t need need to install the color package separately. See our Carbon React guide to start building.




package enables you to access colors from the IBM Design Language in Sass. You can access a color directly from the package by writing the following:

@use '@carbon/colors';
.selector {
background: colors.$blue-50;

For a full list of colors exported, refer to the API section in the package’s Sass Documentation.

In addition to individual colors, you can access all colors in a

using the

@use '@carbon/colors';
@each $swatch, $grades in colors.$colors {
@each $grade in $grades {

Each key in the

map is the name of a group of colors, also known as a swatch. The value of each entry is a
where the keys are the color grade and the values are the hex codes for the color at that grade. For example:

$colors: (
blue: (
10: #edf5ff,
20: #d0e2ff,
30: #a6c8ff,
40: #78a9ff,
50: #4589ff,
60: #0f62fe,
70: #0043ce,


For JavaScript, you can import and use this module by doing the following in your code:

// ESM
import { black, blue, warmGray } from '@carbon/colors';
// CommonJS
const { black, blue, warmGray } = require('@carbon/colors');

Each color swatch is exported as a variable, and each color name is also exported as an object that can be called by specifying grade, for example:

blue[50]; // Using the `blue` object.
warmGray100; // Using the `warmGray100` variable.
